Fifth public beta watchOS 7 available
Apple has just released the fifth public beta of watchOS 7. For the security of your data, we recommend a backup before uploading the system. Please note that this is done automatically with the copy of the iOS system.

WatchOS 7 has introduced sleep tracking, Chronograph Pro shield, hand wash tracking, shield sharing and new workouts - basic, dance and functional strength.
Below is a list of watches that will receive support for watchOS 7:.
- 3rd generation Apple Watch (including Nike+ and Hermes models)
- 4th generation Apple Watch (including Nike+ and Hermes models)
- 5th generation Apple Watch (including Nike+ and Hermes models)
In order to download the public beta installation of watchOS 7, you need to register (log in) on the appropriate website on the Apple website, download profile, then the system beta and start the installation process.
Please note that watchOS 7 also requires the installation of iOS 14.